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Preparing for the future of work may mean leaving legacy processes and systems behind.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Why is that? Because humans like to visualize things.

While written words and checkboxes help us manage our tasks, often, it’s a picture—or a diagram—or a scanned document—that can make all the difference in the world.

Look at most business processes these days, and you’ll likely see one or more of these examples (and probably many other image-oriented elements) used throughout the flow to help people make decisions, determine the status of a task, or to provide and maintain proof that something existed at that point during the workflow.

Now, think about the security, privacy, compliance, and governance associated with the data and these workflows; do the images that are used as part of these business processes any less critical—any less sensitive? Likely not.

Now, think about how the capabilities to capture text and image combinations have evolved. What was once printed, filled out, and scanned can now be completed using a mobile phone. What was once photographed and then scanned and imported into a workflow can now also be achieved using a mobile phone. What was once captured, printed, annotated, scanned, and re-imported can now be completed using a tablet.

The scenarios and use cases are endless. And, it begs the question, are we taking advantage of these new mobile-ready capabilities? Or, are our existing business processes keeping employees chained to the office? And, especially in the new age of pretty much everyone working from home, it begs an even bigger question: how are the in-office workflows working out?

These questions, and many more, are discussed during this chat with Josh Bohls, founder and CEO of Inkscreen. If you have business processes and are looking to make the most of text and images to keep your business workflows running smoothly—AND SECURELY—you’ll want to listen to the Inkscreen story.

Ready? Then have at it!

Josh Bohls

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