Together we build a smart, secure future. In silos, we stagnate.
Governments, non-profits, and industries re-discover our time's pressing needs and re-connect to share resources, strategies, innovations, and success stories.

Once again, and despite these unique times, our friend Lan Jenson was able to pull together her yearly signature event. The usual goal is to discuss the present and future of smart cities, and all that this means for our society. If anything, this year is even more special.

2020 has ushered Smart Cities and Communities worldwide into unchartered waters. Revolutionary or evolutionary, 2020 undisputedly deserves a proper postmortem and re-envisioning of the future.

As the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) works on a Smart Cities and Communities Framework, register to find out how you can contribute and foremost thought leaders and doers in governments, industry, small businesses, academia, and nonprofits.  

Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli have been invited to host the live (at the time) keynote panel titled "What Have We Learned?"

With guests Ann Dunkin, Jessica Santos, and Raimundo Rodulfo, we kicked off this year's Smart Cities Symposium by looking back at what we have done so far and what we should adjust with that experience. When that includes the latest year of digital transformation and the unexpected brutal acceleration of the last few months, there is a lot to talk about.

Collaboration, wellbeing, equality, equity, and the importance of strategizing the process with humanity in mind seem to be the main points.

You will decide what you find as the most important takeaway.

*The session was virtual and live; therefore, excuse us for the non-perfect audio in specific parts of the conversation.

Ann Dunkin, Chief Technology Officer, State & Local Government at Dell Technologies | Former CIO US EPA & Santa Clara County (@AnnDunkin on Twitter)

Jessica Santos, Ph.D, Lecturer and Scientist, Brandeis University

Raimundo Rodulfo, Director of Information Technology / Chief Innovation Officer, City of Coral Gables (@raimundorodulfo on Twitter)

Adaptable Security TechCARES:

Cybersecurity Symposium for Smart Cities 2020:

Catch this conversation on video in the full playlist:

NIST Smart Cities and Communities Framework:

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