Not every 19 year old knows as much about moonshots and deep tech as Rahul Rana does. As an author, venture builder, and investor, Rahul shares his story chasing moonshots and inspiring others to do the same.

Rahul is the author of Making Moonshots—a deep dive into the mindsets, philosophies, and strategies conducive to building moonshot companies. Deciding to write and publish his book was a moonshot in of itself; despite not knowing much about the field to start off with, Rahul wanted to show that anyone can aspire to build moonshots and change the world. He hopes that his book will inspire at least one person to chase after a moonshot, and in this podcast, walks us through his journey in authoring a book and why moonshots are so crucial both in the past and in today’s society. Taking the leap to write his book also landed him a position as an investor at Lux Capital, a $2.5 billion deep tech venture capital firm, a dream job he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work at if he hadn’t written Making Moonshots.

Listen along to Rahul’s story in this week’s podcast—and more to come on Elevate the Future podcast, as we bring you stories from inspiring youth and innovators who have made their mark on the world.

Rahul Rana, Associate Intern, Lux Capital (@rrana03_ on Twitter)

Ellen Xu


Book — Making Moonshots:

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