Most of us do not worry about all of that, not in an airport. We don't think about this at Disneyland, nor in our town. But someone has always been making decisions for how things should work to ensure things run smoothly and efficiently - because, when they do not, oh boy, can we go crazy. Think about that flashing traffic light that doesn't work, or a ride that is "Out of Order" at the theme park, or even a 10-minute delay during the airplane boarding process.

So let's sum it up.

Technology is helping more and more to run these microcosms, to give us more services, more entertainment, and to make our travels times faster, smoother, and secure.

Technology needs data to do all of this, and as with many - I dare say all things -in life, it all comes with a trade-off.

Something for something.

Security for privacy.

Convenience for a cost.

Things we discussed:

What are some of the core elements that make a city smart and how does that transfer over to the airport world?What should those responsible for running the airports consider from a cybersecurity and privacy perspective?What should citizens be aware of when they travel to a smart airport?Where does policy fit in and who has ownership of the policy? What about oversight and enforcement of the policy?

Ready to take flight? Have a listen…

Elizabeth Wharton | Damon Jackman

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