By Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Tonia Dudley and Daniel Eliot

It’s the holiday season, and that means open season for cybercriminals. Just like the Elves in Santas’ Shop they work extra time for you. Either you have been good or bad it doesn’t matter because we are all in for the hunt.

This is the time when consumers are looking for the best deals—you know the ones; those too-good-to-be-true extravaganzas splattered in ads all over the television, in the papers, and of course, online and in our inbox. The main difference is that the one that you see on your computer, phones, and tablet are one click away from the trap. These deals are so tantalizing, so tempting that they get you all emotional while clock is ticking and there is only one left. Isn’t it? It is an easy impulse to click on that stuff that many do—even if only out of pure curiosity.

Who knew we are so easy to fool. Right? Social engineers know and so do cybercriminals, and the latest are ready to capitalize on the consistency and predictive nature of humankind. They are ramping up and taking action to make it the most cybercriminal time of the year.

With all the news of data breaches, new privacy laws, and cybercrime stats hitting the news all the time, you’d think consumers would also know the risks they face and take care to protect themselves when shopping both online and in stores. But, that isn’t the case—and that’s why we are having this In The News chat with Tonia Dudley and Daniel Eliot.

In today’s chat, we explore:
- The holiday-specific risks associated with phishing and other email scams
- Holiday cybercriminals targeting credentials and taking over accounts
- You might be putting your loved ones at risk with the gifts you are buying them
- Signs you can look for to see if something has gone awry in your digital world
- Tips and tricks to protect your identity, credentials, and transactions this holiday season

Give yourself a gift—take a break from shopping for a moment so you can listen to this podcast. If you must continue your trek to the mall, then listen to this one during your drive. You’ll be glad you did.

Click here, now. We may remove this podcast tomorrow, but today it is free and there is only one play left. 🤣😂🤣😅

Happy Holidays!

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