Think of a high school club, and you might think about a group of young students meeting regularly to engage in a common topic. Accurate, but the Del Norte High School's Team Optix 3749 Club builds robots and competes with them. This, and so much more.

At its core, the purpose behind Team Optix 3749 is to provide an environment for students to learn about technology and robotics; to offer a place for them to build and test their own robots as they prepare to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competitions.

Listen to our guests, Nicole Pi and James Hunt, and you'll hear about a highly successful club that gets students to participate; successful in raising funds to keep the club running; and successful in building and competing with their robots.

And this is where things go way beyond just their club.

The mission for Team Optix 3749 is to also lend aid to the community by teaching students valuable skills in computer science, business, entrepreneurship, and other fields that are often not included in school curriculums. The team also graciously shares some of the funds they raise with other clubs in the high school to ensure they can enhance the learning and life experiences of more students.

Furthermore, the team also goes above and beyond technology and business in the community to help the citizens as they host food and supply drives; they did not allow the current pandemic to deter them.

Team Optix 3749 hopes to expand its impact to reach more students and do more for the community. Our hope is that you listen to this episode and leave with a bit of inspiration to take action yourself.

Nicole Pi, VP of Strategy of Team Optix 3749 | Sophmore at Del Norte High School: class of 2023

James Hunt, Outreach Director of Team Optix 3749 | Junior at Del Norte High School: class of 2022

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