Welcome to a new episode of the The Academy on ITSPmagazine! Sean Martin and Selena Templeton had the great pleasure of sitting down with Heather Ricciuto, Academic Outreach Leader at IBM Security, at this year’s RSA Conference.

In this podcast, we talk about all things educational when it comes to attracting and retaining cybersecurity talent. Heather’s path into cybersecurity was accidental, which makes her a great advocate for other non-traditional paths into this industry.

Traditionally, companies like IBM have focused on recruiting from 4-year universities, but how are you going to build a pipeline when you’re recruiting from the same top schools and competing for the same talent?

IBM’s “new collar” initiative focuses on skills rather than degrees alone and attracting new talent from non-traditional talent pools (2-year schools, veterans, internships, mentorships, self-trained folks, people who have cybersecurity certifications but not degrees). As Heather says, it’s all about opening the aperture.

Listen to this podcast to hear about all the things that Heather and IBM are doing to educate, inform, attract and retain a wide variety of talent to the cybersecurity industry.

This episode of The Academy is made possible by the generosity of our sponsor, Bugcrowd. Click here to learn more about what Bugcrowd can do for you: www.itspmagazine.com/company-directory/bugcrowd