Once upon a time, cybersecurity wasn’t an issue, namely because we didn’t have computers. Early on when computers first hit the scene, they were primarily stand-alone machines isolated from the rest of the world. As long as you closed the office door you were generally OK. But this didn’t last; things changed, connectivity happened, and the Internet was born. And with it’s arrival came trouble. With today’s connected businesses, this connectivity means risk. Risk for which statistics suggest will become a reality for some, if not most of today’s businesses. it’s just a matter of time before your business becomes the target; it’s a numbers game, and the odds are against you.

Why, you ask? Because the seriousness of cybersecurity for businesses of all sizes has grown commensurate with business connectivity. And, unfortunately for connected businesses, cybercriminals aren’t picky; they are very happy to go after the easy targets and that’s oftentimes the small and medium business because they know these smaller companies don’t have the knowledge nor the resources to adequately protect themselves. This doesn’t have to be our reality, however.

Join us for a conversation as we begin to peel back the cybersecurity covers to answer these questions:

• What can happen to small businesses during a cyber attack?
• What’s at stake when a breach occurs?
• Why does it have to be so scary and intimidating?

Matthew Barrett, Cybersecurity Framework Lead, NIST
Dr. Chris Pierson, Founder & CEO, Binary Sun Cyber Risk Advisors

David Kennefick, Product Architect, Edgescan

Sean Martin, CISSP, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, ITSPmagazine
Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder, ITSPmagazine

The complete series of webcasts, podcasts, articles, and supporting material can be found on ITSPmagazine at: https://itspmagazine.com/cybersecurity-for-small-medium-business

Enjoy, get involved, and share!