Conversations At the Intersection of Technology, Cybersecurity, and Society.

The Academy Podcast

There is a large gap in the cybersecurity workforce that must be addressed. The ultimate goal is to bring more diverse professionals into the InfoSec community, as early and often as possible.

Sure, we have all heard this before, but what are we going to do about it? If we expect different results doing the same things over and over, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

In The Academy, we invite experts to discuss unique and innovative ideas, concrete visions, and long-lasting solutions to attracting, hiring, and retaining InfoSec talent.

Elevate The Future - When A New Generation Is Already Educating The Next | A Series With

Guests: Ellen Xu, Ashwin Babu, and Raadwan Masum
Hosts: Sean Martin | Marco Ciappelli

Sometimes we wonder if the reason the gap in the cybersecurity workforce exists and that there is a lack of basic technical knowledge and education - even for the daily-life activities and everyday gadgets we use - is due to the fact that our school systems can’t keep up with the technological advancements of our society. Of course, as schools are the most important source of education for future generations, this reality has caused severe consequences.

We believe it is one of the reasons for the gap — an important one that must be addressed.

Everything seems to be magic - but magic, it is not. We use the internet, smartphones, IoT devices, apps to access and control it all, and more -- all without ever wondering how they work; and even less, how we can use them safely. The truth behind this current state (lack) of understanding is that someone, somewhere, has invented these things, someone else has made them better, and someone else will envision and create even more technological advancements in the future. There's no doubt about it.

But who are these people and how can we be sure that we all, as a society, keep up with progress and turn it into something than everyone will somehow participate, enjoy, and benefit from?

Well, if you have followed ITSPmagazine, you already know the answer: knowledge and education.

It looks like the next generation is going to take care of the present gap. That doesn't mean our job is done here. We can surely help - even if we have somehow contributed to digging this massive hole - by grabbing a shovel and helping them to fill it faster.

This is the first in a series of podcasts that we are recording with the team at Elevate The Future.

This is their mission:
Many young students grow up without a comprehensive understanding of the skills they have and the areas in which they can apply these skills. Here at Elevate the Future, we strive to provide young students with the resources to realize their passions early and apply these passions back into their communities. Our goal is to help create a world where students across the globe have access to quality education in business and computer science.

Our goal is to help them to succeed. Yours could be the same.

We start by telling their story. You can start by listening.


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