If you wish to learn about The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Analyst role, you should join us on this podcast. CTI is a fascinating profession that requires knowledge of technology, psychology, and methodology—and a lot of curiosity.

Learn more about this role, how to become one—if you wish—and what's involved to succeed.

A big part of the role of cyber threat intelligence analyst is to know the adversary well enough to look ahead and try to predict what actions they might take; this includes knowing the threat actors' history and their habits and tendencies are. Depending on the type of organization you are working with and the sector in which they operate, you're going to have different threat profiles to deal with.

To make the challenges even more interesting, as with most things connected to technology, very little stays the same for long; our society is not static, and our cyber society, even less.

Of course, with that, threats, their actors, and the technology they use for nefarious intents mutate and evolve rapidly. The only way to have a winning chance is to do just the same. Think like the adversary and try to be, always, a few steps ahead.

While the methodology hasn't really changed much—we are dealing with humans after all—early on, the CTI had very few professional tools available for threat analysis. That has changed significantly. Now we have some fantastic technology—including machine learning and artificial intelligence—all of which help analysts do a much better job.

The problem is that the kind of threats nowadays are not only evolving but also presenting themselves in entirely new shapes, and CTI analysts are now forced to deal with things they've never covered before; for example, disinformation campaigns and influence operations.

The Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst is a fascinating and exciting profession that requires knowledge of technology, psychology, and methodology—and a lot of curiosity and problem-solving attitude to go with it.

Take a listen to this episode to take a deeper dive with us to learn more about this role, how to become one—if you wish—and what's involved to succeed.

Remi Cohen, Senior Threat Intelligence Engineer, F5 (@S0meGirlR3m on Twitter)

Charity Wright, Expert Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst, Insikt Group, Recorded Future (@CharityW4CTI on Twitter)

Jason Passwaters, Co-founder / COO, Intel 471 (@jase_passwaters on Twitter)

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