Why do we go to conferences?

To meet fantastic people, create great content, and tell entertaining stories. Sometimes it all happens at the same time.

This was one of those occasions.

Our first podcast from the Olympia show floor was with one of those people that you have known for a while, but you actually (probably) never met in person. In this digital age, it happens quite a bit. You follow each other on social media, you share some common connections and exchange some thought-provoking comments, you see what they post and care about, and all of a sudden you feel like you have known this person forever.

Well, at least it works like this for me.
But, the best part is when you finally get to meet them at one of the many industry conferences you make it to, and you realize you are not that much of a weirdo, as there are many like you and magically we all hang out and get to talk, for real! 

Anyway, one of these ‘finally we got to meet each other’ moments happened on the first day of Infosecurity Europe 2019, in London. The PR team got us together, and we started the conference with a pleasant conversation which, of course, we recorded on a podcast and are now sharing with you here.
The guest in question is Javvad Malik and the hosts are Sean Martin and I.

We hope you enjoy listening to this chat as much as we enjoyed having it.

First, we asked Javvad to tell us how he got involved in CyberSecurity and he walked us back in time to the days when in information technology, everything was secure. Oh, wait__ was it that, or maybe nobody really worried about it? Anyway, we scratched that, and we quickly traveled back to a time — today — where everybody is afraid and does worry about cybersecurity; but only a few know enough to transform that worry into prevention and safe behavior. 

Today Javvad is a well-known and respected CyberSecurity Advocate that raises awareness, educates, and gets people to understand CyberSecurity and Cyber Risk. As you will hear in this conversation, the concept of risk is not exactly easy to define. It is not a binary concept that you can mark as yes or no, good or bad, or black or white. It is about knowledge and understanding what is in between those two extremes and the variables that affect certain situations that both qualify and quantify risk itself.

What is needed to manage cyber risk nowadays is not rules to follow but a real a cultural shift.

We spoke about these things and about the differences between the perception of cybersecurity in Europe vs. the USA. If you haven’t figured it out yet this is a topic that I am very interested in; so wait for me to get to RSA Conference APJ in Singapore, and you will see this obsession with CyberSecurity in different culture going to a whole new level.

Stay tuned for that coverage, then we’re off to Black Hat and DEFCON USA.

It is going to provide some interesting conversations.

But first, enjoy this one.



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Want more from InfoSec Europe in London? https://www.itspmagazine.com/infosec-europe-2019-event-coverage-london-uk-cybersecurity-news-coverage-and-podcasts