Bullying has turned into cyberbullying, but please do not blame technology. 
It is still very much a human problem.

Maybe a few years from now I will rewrite this piece, and I will reach a different conclusion; who knows, if technology keeps moving at this pace, in a relatively short amount of time Artificial Intelligence Entities will be advanced enough to be indistinguishable from humans. Bots will write like people (hopefully better), be able to have a conversation with humans and nobody will be able to tell the difference. They will think, dream, have feelings, and - hopefully not - they will also behave just like regular people. 

At that point in time, AI Bots could, of their own accord, decide to use the internet, not only for work but also to entertain themselves. They will watch videos, listen to music, read magazines, play games, and even create social media accounts to stay in touch with their human or bot friends, network and develop a personal brand - eventually, one day they will start harassing people that they do not like. Maybe they will believe that they are smarter, stronger, better; that they are part of a better race, culture, or group; they may worship a way cooler God; or maybe they just want your lunch money. Whatever it is, they will have a few stupid reasons that made them decide that it is rewarding and socially acceptable to hurt someone to obtain something from them or to prove their shallow points. Because, in the near term, they will be weak, just like us - their creators. In the end, it may be a completely different story altogether.

Then, if ‘then’ (the end) comes soon enough, I will be willing to rewrite this chronicle, and I will join that vast group of uneducated people that nowadays are pointing the finger at technology and state as a fact, that computers, smartphones, the internet, and social media are the reason why cyberbullying exists.

That day will be the day when we will realize, for sure, that we have failed to use technology to improve our world and our lives, to make a better world for ourselves. We will regret to have created technology in our image, embedded with our bias, our temperaments, jealousy, hate, dishonesty, and cruelty; our hypocrisy; our bigotry. 

That will be the time when we will need to be sincerely concerned about our survival because the singularity would most probably not bring a better future for the human race. It would bring us an augmented human race superficially better, but deeply worst.

Technology, computers, the internet, social media, robots or artificial intelligence are not intrinsically positive or negative. It is easy to blame technology for a behavior that could have been prevented by educated and responsible kids, parents, teachers, friends, journalists, and pretty much the entire human race.

We must educate the new generation to deal with a constantly evolving technology and the way it effects society and the future generation.

Cyberbullying doesn’t happen because of technology. It happens because someone is using technology to bully someone. If you think that technology alone is going to resolve this problem you are wrong, as it is not a technological problem. It is a human problem. It is an education problem.

I wonder, today, who is going to educate the educators?

Let’s listen…