As the founder & executive director of #BlackGirlsHack, Tennisha Martin has set out to change what the cyber security applicant pool consists of and is removing barriers for any and all.

Black Girls Hack, a now official 501c3 nonprofit, provides free training and resources for those looking to gain certifications in Security+, eLearnSecurity's Junior Penetration Tester, and the coveted Certified Ethical Hacker. They also hold weekly 'Friday Night Labs' for people who have no experience and are looking to have hands on experience. Along with the many amazing things her organization is and has set out to do, Tennisha talks to us about her dislike of anything that swims or crawls!

Tennisha Martin, Founder & Executive Director of Black Girls Hack (@blackgirlshack on Twitter)

Angela Marafino | Chantel Sims

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