Ireland is coming out of its recent recession with a view into being one of the top performing economies in the EU and a great place to do business in, from and with. As you can imagine, the digital world plays a big role in this vision as this country of scholars, artists, and innovators looks to punch well above its weight in the world’s economy;

To provide the centralized services needed to run the country internally for its citizens and the businesses that reside there, and

To enable them to connect and transact with its neighbors in Europe and beyond.

To get a view into this world, Sean Martin took the opportunity to sit down with Barry Lowry, the Irish Government CIO at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. We met in his office located in the heart of FinTech innovation in Dublin. It’s there where we discussed

the digitalization of the internal infrastructure for government services delivered to its citizens,

enabling the import and export of business, technology, products, and services to the world,

the challenges with handling personal data within the country,

and need to embrace and properly navigate data sharing outside of Ireland in light of the GDPR and the pending Tallinn Declaration.