Redefining Security | On ITSPmagazine
Conversations At the Intersection of Technology, Cybersecurity, and Society.

Guests: Mel Masterson | Kristen Arms | Sean Coyne
Host: Sean Martin

Have you ever thought that we are selling cybersecurity insincerely, buying it indiscriminately, and deploying it ineffectively?

For cybersecurity to be genuinely effective, we must make it consumable and usable. We must also bring transparency and honesty to the conversations surrounding the methods, services, and technologies upon which businesses rely. If we are going to protect what matters and bring value to our companies, our communities, and our society, in a secure and safe way, we must begin by operationalizing security.

Join us as we explore how visionary leaders are Redefining Security.

In today's episode, it's all about alert fatigue and how SOC and CSIRT teams can root out that overly-common problem. To have this conversation, we have 3 guests on the show that have found a recipe for success; each approaching the problem from different perspectives but reaching the same goals with their programs at two different organizations.

While the topic of alert fatigue amongst your team may involve conversations that revolve around products and technology, you might be surprised to hear that this conversation has very little technology in it. Rather, the main ingredients in this CSIRT recipe appear to be good processes, team empowerment, and strong leadership.

If you find your security analysts dealing with alert fatigue after eating security events all day, consider listening to this episode to get a new recipe for how you run your SOC/CSIRT.

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