If we don't open our eyes and think about how we are all different—in so many ways—we will never truly understand that our personal quality of life and behaviors affects that of the group and society we are part of. Is technology helping diversity and inclusivity?

Join this conversation with our guest, Becca Lory Hector, as she helps us open our eyes and reflect on what quality in an autistic person's life can be and how technology can play a role in improving it. Well, this, and so much more in this podcast.

It is easy to believe we understand everything. Is it black or white? Good or bad? Normal or not? We put labels on things—and people—and put them in their respective bucket(s). The truth is that most of the time, we DON'T understand something, so ... yep, you guessed it, we put labels anyway—and there is a bucket for that too.

As crappy of a reality that this can be, it's human nature to do this. So, how do we move beyond this?

Perhaps the fact that society has been thrust into a world of isolation and separation has forced all of us to leverage technology to survive during a pandemic can help.

Nearly everyone is familiar with utilizing social media, video meetings, and other collaboration technologies to stay connected with family, friends, co-workers, doctors, teachers, and more. This realization of how technology can help us connect with each other has proven extremely valuable for those in society that may not always have the means, desire, and ability to communicate in person. This is a straightforward example that we touch on as Becca shares her insights into how autistic people—namely adults—are coming together to support each other to develop and thrive in both a community of their own and as part of the greater society in which they live.

Now's the time to open your eyes to the labels you've placed and the groups you've drawn lines around to better understand your role—and that of technology—in creating a quality of life that suits not only yourself but those around you.

In an ideal world, we wouldn't need to have these conversations, but we are far from it at this stage of human development. We are not driven by equality, well-being for all, and a desire to embrace what is different from ourselves. We're just not, sadly.

Maybe we will get there one day. But, until then, we will need to scream louder, be the change agent we can and want to be, and fight as hard as we can to make it happen.

This conversation is an opportunity to learn to listen and understand instead of merely assuming. 

Becca Lory Hector, CEO/Managing Member at Evolving Skye, LLC | Program Content Developer, NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (@beccalorycas on Twitter)

This Episode’s Sponsors

BlackCloak: https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

RSA Security: https://itspm.ag/itsprsaweb

Spectrum Women Magazine: https://www.spectrumwomen.com/

Book — Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDQYZZQ/

Becca's YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/beccaloryhector

Blog — Autistically Yours: https://beccalory.com/blog-autistically-yours/

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