With 25+ years in the CyberSecurity space, as a former CTO and CSO, and as a current adjunct professor, journalist, and member of ENISA, Pierluigi Paganini has seen a lot of CyberSecurity over the years. A few days ago was the 9th birthday of his blog, "Security Affairs," and that inspired us to invite him on our podcast to peek into his mind to get his perspective on the past, present, and future of CyberSecurity.

Pierluigi started with a single post per day on the blog and, nine years later, he's still the only contributor — but so many more readers than when he started — to the publication where he does his best to cover the most important news in the cybersecurity landscape from around the world.

"The concept of a network has subtly changed in the last 10 years. Now we are all nodes of a global network, and the security of the total network depends on the security of each node."—Pierluigi Paganini

With the number of cyberattacks rapidly growing, what Pierluigi notes as a dangerous trend is the sophistication of these attacks becoming even more extraordinary.

"The most dangerous categories of attackers are state-sponsored threat actors and cyber-criminal syndicates. And when I say criminal syndicates, I'm speaking about well-constructed organizations that have a pyramidal shape and the so-called 'king' on top."—Pierluigi Paganini

This is the current state of security affairs (pun intended), but what does the future hold?

We went relatively fast from a disconnected computer world to the IoT. Lately, the speed of change is getting exponentially faster — too fast maybe for business, government, and society to avoid cyber risks of all sorts and adapt to this new digital reality. But thankfully, we are trying to catch up.

Perhaps there's a clear role for collaboration between industry, academy, and governments. International organizations can play a decisive role here—maybe that's where Pierluigi's involvement in the ENISA Threat Landscape Stakeholder Group and Cyber G7 Group come to bear.

Have a listen and prepare yourself for what may come our way in the next 9 years (and beyond).

Pierluigi Paganini, Member, ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) Threat Landscape Stakeholder Group and Cyber G7 Group | Security Evangelist, Security Analyst, Freelance Writer, and Editor-in-Chief at "Cyber Defense Magazine" (@securityaffairs on Twitter)

This Episode’s Sponsors:

Nintex: https://itspm.ag/itspntweb

Imperva: https://itspm.ag/imperva277117988

Happy Birthday Security Affairs Blog: https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/111096/breaking-news/happy-birthday-security-affairs-9.html

Book: Digging The Deep Web: Exploring the dark side of the web: https://www.amazon.it/dp/1980532540/

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