Topics discussed:

Ticket system options
FreshService / FreshDesk
Henry’s Favorite: Happy fox?
The one Henry hates: Service NOW!
Paper based?
Emails AKA your inbox?
Custom made ticket systems

Why they matter
Minimal staff
Issue tracking / history
Common interface
Human brains forget stuff
User Training. Stepping stone to further user training...

Use Cases
IT orgs
Service Providers
Other Business units work tracking?
Individual work management?
Request handling due to automated ticket creation
He said / She said tracking...

Feature sets
Integrations with other systems
Remote control
Phone System entry
Email acceptance
Web Based vs Web exposed

How to be successful using them
Cleanup of tickets as well as environment management
Notes/comments about users/objects/issues
Internal Processes
Resolution documentation
Experience navigating ticket systems

How to Manage them
RH: Be patient, adoption can take 6 months
Top down management is key. Upper levels need to back the implementing group
Metrics are not the end all be all. Consider context when managing
Labor management