In this Interview, I sat down with a true G in the realm of activism, Vinnie DeStefano, National Organizing Director for

These conversations took place in London February 20th and 21st of this year 2024 during the 2-Day Court Hearing for Julian Assange at the Royal Court of Justice in Strand London. It can't be overstated that Julian is undoubtedly a Political Prisoner and his Human Right to Free Speech and Expression has been egregiously and flagrantly violated by those who wish to silence him, and ultimately all other like Julian who seek to disseminate the DARK TRUTHS, many governments will kill to hide.

During this short discussion we get some background into Vinnie and his organization, as well as some insights into the current state of affairs as it pertains to Julians case and the broader ranging implications. Make no mistake, Vinnie is an All-Star and I am honored to now call him a brother.

Please take the time to hear from a person who has been in and is still deep in the trenches for this supremely relevant and ongoing case.


-The WordsMyth

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julianassange #freepress #freedomofspeech #journalism #truth #freedom #phaet #thewordsmyth