So many tech companies take a slash and burn approach in order to get their product to market as quickly as possible. Dan Sturman, CTO at Roblox, shares why Roblox takes a much more deliberate approach concerning its platform that is the foundation for many different worlds.

Tune in to learn:

How did Roblox start out as a world-builder? (02:19)Why does Roblox use physics as a creative baseline? (04:59)Why is Roblox building its own cloud? (10:16)How can Roblox apply to education? (15:11)What’s the future of Roblox and the market? (20:05)How does Roblox recruit innovatively? (26:46)How does Roblox deal with security, privacy, and protecting users? (30:33)


RobloxRoblox’s Corporate Site

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