There is a lot of conversation among IT security leaders about engaging the workforce in order to mitigate threats. But how do security professionals actually win people over to their side? Many employees are willing to comply but what can be done to really get through to those that are resistant? Johanna Baum, the CEO and Founder of S3 (Strategic Security Solutions), contends that to enact change, leaders must involve those that are most reluctant to go along with security protocols — especially the person still keeping their login password on a post-it note on their computer. In order to change the security culture of a company, Johanna suggests seeking out the person at a company who is least likely to comply.

Main Takeaways

It Comes Down to the People: There’s always going to be a security tech stack. A security platform and relevant apps will help reduce threats. But, fundamentally, people are still required to act with any given platform or system as part of the security solution. Furthermore, employees also need to engage in secure behaviors that reduce the overall risk to the company.Involve the Malcontents: Cultural change concerning security is only as strong as the weakest link. Leaders must seek out the malcontents in order to engage them in the process. Leaders must put employees who are reluctant to accept security protocols in situations where they can test out measures and be part of the solution. Keep Security Simple: Because there are so many security threats, there can be a tendency to assume risk mitigation must be very complicated and beyond human capacity. Although artificial intelligence and automation can certainly be helpful to thwart so many threats, there are also really simple things people can do on their own to embolden security. For instance, this can be as basic as ensuring people log out or use effective passwords. On a company-wide level, it can be as elemental as making sure there is an up to date list of all the users at the organization.

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