What if instead of saying, “There’s an app for that,” the saying was, “There’s a bot for that?” And what if, instead of spending hours of your day performing repetitive tasks, a bot beneath the surface of your screen was doing the work for you?

“With RPA, you're able to make the lives of people at work much, much easier. It improves their own lives, and improves the end customer's life. It improves their business. It improves the value prop they provide. So that is the way I think about it. when you bring [RPA] together and say, I won't sell you A.I., or I won't sell you a cloud-native product. What I will sell you is an experience that allows you to do the things that you want to do in a way that makes sense to you and will be a delight for you to use and your end-user.”

That’s Prince Kohli, the CTO of Automation Anywhere, a global enterprise RPA solution  platform that brings robotic process automation to industries worldwide. On this episode of  IT Visionaries, Prince discusses how RPA is changing the game when it comes to office efficiency. Plus, he details the future of RPA and whether we’ll see a future where everyone eventually will have a digital assistant.

Main Takeaways

iRobot: Robotics Process Automation is not about physical robots completing tasks. Instead, RPA is automated software that builds off a set of rules in order to complete repetitive tasks, such as invoicing. The software works in the background on computers, allowing employees to be more productive and creative with their time.Discovery and Auditing: There are two core functions the Automation Anywhere teams follow when they begin working with a client. The first is the discovery process, when they go in and observe what processes could be automated. The second is through auditing, when they gather insights and data in order to build a secure botThere’s a Bot for That: In the future, most employees will have a digital assistant in some capacity, whether that is for filling out calendars or answering emails the technology is already there. It’s adoption that is the issue.


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