Previous Episode: Episode 33-The Lego Movie

Since Spielberg's BFG is looming in the near future I decided to revisit another Dahl adaptation: 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  And, being in a capricious mood, decide to add Tim Burton's 2005 adaptation Charlie and the Chocolate Factory into the mix as well.  Very Wonka-ish of me, I believe.  At any rate we do some good old fashioned compare and contrast with these two movies.  Which did we prefer? Which made my daughter cry and gave Collin an upset stomach? Did we like Wilder's whimsy or Depp's dementia? Hop on our candy-coated ship and take a ride down a digital know I really don't have a decent Chocolate Factory/Podcast analogy, so I'll just ask politely that you give us a listen.

Authors who hated movie versions of their books