This interview was carried out as part of the bonus offerings for my Sacred Feminine Wisdom Online course. I'm excited to make it publicly available here now for men and women alike to benefit from. Barbara Marx Hubbard was known as “the voice for conscious evolution”. She was a visionary, a social innovator and an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She saw problems as evolutionary drivers and crises as that which precede transformation. She coined a new Archetype for our modern day 21st century woman, “The Evolutionary Woman”. Throughout this conversation you will hear her extraordinary passion, warmth and realism as she discusses other terms she has coined such as ‘Vocational Arousal’ and ‘Supra Sexual’ and how we have moved from joining our genes for pro-creation to joining our genius in co-creation.

Barbara Marx Hubbard left her body from this lifetime on the 10th of April 2019. It is up to us to carry on her work by keeping her light alive in our own riding of the cutting edges of evolution, to try new things for an unprecedented time in history, to not being afraid to be radical in our striving to create new ways of living sustainably and to think outside of the box as we look to the possibilities the future may bring us.

You can find out more about Barbara Marx Hubbard by clicking here .

The book we refer to in this call is “EMERGENCE – The Shift from Ego to Essence” which you can order from here along with her many other books.

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