Join me on another Musing in the Woods walk. In this episode I talk about Self Love and how we are held from a place that doesn't know what it's like to not be held. I talk about how to connect to this secure place within us for grounding and stability through these uncertain times. I share about how I found my own empathic heart had unconsciously shut down as a protective mechanism during this year of such intensity where there has been so much to be felt.

It's time to be raw and vulnerable in our offerings as we merge with what is true for us, remembering always that birthing this new humanity is an inside job... it happens inside the hearts of individuals, through the soulful intentions of a greater purpose. I talk about the weight of lies and deceit on our humanness, boundary setting and making conscious where we're not being self-loving.

It's time to ask ourselves questions: 

Has Covid and all that it's come with shut your heart down and made you numb too?What's it like to always be held, to not know what it's like not to be held?Is it ok to put yourself first? What does that even look like?How do you set healthy, self loving boundaries?What does it mean for the greater Collective when you personally practice self love?

When we love ourselves more, more becomes available to us in the world around us. What we create in our inner world, reflects in our outer world.

It's time to talk about what self love might look like at the different levels of collective development... it's time to imagine, and create, a self loving world!

Finally you are offered a practice that discerns between how thinking thinks, feeling feels and the deeper resonance of your hearts vibration and the wisdom it holds. This practice is one that will have you connecting into your deepest truth in profound and beautiful ways that will empower your inner guidance system to make the choices that move you forward in the right ways for you, and ultimately the collective.

You are listening to Carmel Cathie, host of It's Time to Talk - Podcasts to Elevate Consciousness, and Transformational Coach at BeingAndBecoming.Life

For personal guidance and support to help you find your truth through the turning tides of our current uncertainty take my look at my Being and Becoming Life website. If you would like to engage in long term, ongoing revolutionary growth message me.

Your future, Humanity’s future, is not set in stone. We have many futures we can choose to Become. Learn how to intentionally choose the future you want to live through Being embodied as deep consciousness and emotional awareness lead by the truth that lives in your heart. The de-structuring of our systems and the difficult transitions the 2020’s present are our opportunity to Become who we came here to Be. We are each an individual cell in the organism of Humanity, exploring and revealing as powerful and whole our inner selves, bringing online greater wholeness and intentionality for the greater good of our Collective future. What role are you playing?