In this episode, we talk with Jason Hyman, an urban planner, real estate professional and business owner based in Houston, Texas. His firm, Jason T. Hyman, aims to “bridge the generational wealth gap found in minority communities through creative applications of urban planning, community engagement, and responsible development.”

Jason and his colleagues approach housing and development with an incremental mindset, helping build up streets and neighborhoods step by step. They engage in tactical projects of many sizes, helping rehab homes, support affordable housing and invest where it’s needed most. 

Listen to the episode to understand the nuanced lens through which Jason views issues of housing access and wealth disparities. He knows that building up families and neighborhoods isn’t a matter of throwing tons of subsidies at the problem nor a matter of hoping the market will solve everything.  Rather, he believes nonprofits, governments and for-profit companies can work together to increase prosperity for everyone.

Additional Show Notes

Jason T. Hyman’s business website

Jason Hyman on Twitter (Do the Things That Matter)

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