Welcome to ep 90 of It's So Hard, a podcast about the sex industry and other sexy things. This week, Tess chats with Isidoro Rodriguez, criminal justice journalist and deputy editor for The Crime Report and host of The Crime Report podcast.

We cover Izzy's discussion with Ariela Moscowitz from Decriminalize Sex Work about the worldwide decrim movement, the complicated relationship between sex workers and the media, and we begin unpacking police sexual misconduct. Jenn was unable to make it to this recording but she'll be back soon.

For a deep-dive into police misconduct...

The Crime Report podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/5fRSGQowzuEXnmY2x3oR1h?si=jMBjVZolQlayK_3zgSVZ-g&utm_source=copy-link

Izzy's article, "Predators Behind the Badge" https://thecrimereport.org/2020/03/12/predators-behind-the-badge-confronting-hidden-police-sexual-misconduct/

Incarceration Nation: An examination of the connection between relentless government intervention since colonisation to the trauma and disadvantage experiences by Indigenous Australians - the two key drivers of incarceration https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/tv-program/incarceration-nation/1930938947662

Dig - Sirens are Coming, a podcast series on police corruption in Queensland https://open.spotify.com/show/5hAm1lIHyC69jZMRJ9lzQo?siaq=Ti7bGfTcQp-jjcxEzdgtZw&utm_source=copy-link

Decriminalize Sex Work https://decriminalizesex.work/

Content Warning: NSFW, containts explicit sexual descriptions and some naughty humour!

Hosts: Jenn and Tess Louise

Intro Music: "No Justice" by Lil Hoe (@the.peoples.hoe)