It's World Hepatitis Day and we want to mark it for ep 80 of It's So Hard, a podcast about life in and around the sex industry.

We were so lucky to be hosted by HepatitisWA to chat with Donna and Ali about fighting BBV stigma, busting myths about hepatitis and breaking down health system barriers for streed-based and imprisoned folks. 

We also learn about the fantastic work that the Deen Clinic does as a highly accessible and supportive health service for some of the most marginalised populations in Perth. Head on down to say hi to the friendly crew and get the test - when you're ready. 

Content Warning: NSFW, containts explicit sexual descriptions and some naughty humour!

Hosts: Jenn and Tess Louise

Intro Music: Aussens@iter copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) lisence. Ft: rslane32

Segment Intros: "The Empress" EP by Lil Hoe (@the.peoples.hoe)