We get legislative on ep 74 of It's So Hard, a podcast about life in and around the sex industry!

Jenn recounts her first ever fun, sexy flashback and shares some exciting recent purchases. Tess and Jenn then talk about the QLD decrim campaign, law reform and how the whole process have given Tess a new kink for authoritative/wanky titles!

Content Warning: NSFW, containts explicit sexual descriptions and some naughty humour!

Hosts: Jenn and Tess Louise

Intro Music: Aussens@iter copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) lisence. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/5808 Ft: rslane32

Segment Intros: "The Empress" EP by Lil Hoe (@the.peoples.hoe)