Tonight we'll be discussing Child Support and the laws that surround it. The question we're asking is do you agree with parents being forced to pay child support against their will? Some may argue "Well he or she is the parent so why shouldn't they have to pay?" Well what about the parents who have joined custody and split time down the middle? What about the parents who split custody weekly meaning one gets the child 7 days and the other parent gets the child for the other 7 days but the child has one primary address which would likely be the custodial parent's address? So because that parent is deemed the custodial parent (even though the time is split 14 days a piece in a 28 day span), you think that parent should be awarded Child Support?

Child Support impacts millions of lives in America alone and it's a sensitive topic to some but it has to get addressed here on "It's Real Talk Radio" because there's a lot to be said and since real is what we thrive on, there's no better platform to have this discussion. Callers are welcome for this topic, so don't miss out because we're not holding back any punches!

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