Tonight we're discussing overcoming Narcissistic abuse with special guest Samantha Harris. Narcissism along with all the other Cluster B Personality Disorders can be emotionally draining and overwhelming which is why a lot of people need therapy after having a close relationship with or dating one of these mentally ill people. Narcissism has ruined tons of friendships, family relationships and romantic relationships and it's time to really start discussing the dramatic experience this behavior brings.

Our goal is to help shed light on Narcissism, Sociopathy and the effects they have on people. It can't be stressed enough how many lives have been damaged and left in pieces due to Narcissism. It is such a self-centered, finger pointing, deceitful, emotionally empty tactic used to drain people dry of all their usefulness and once they've been completely consumed of all their resources, they generally get tossed in the dumpster like a dirty diaper. This is our motivation for covering this topic and helping shed light for those who don't know while sharing helpful tips and information for those who may currently be in a relationship with a Narcissist.

Samantha Harris has dated a Narcissist before so she has real life experience with these people and is more than qualified to help us shed light on this manner. If you think you may be dating a Narcissist or any of the Cluster B's, sit back, pour a glass of your favorite beverage and tune in as we dive in on this controversial topic.

Below we've included the link to a very informative YouTube video Samantha posted about her experience with dating a narcissistic sociopath. This was the YouTube video that led to her invite on the show. Check it out.

Samantha's YouTube Video:

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