Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio we'll be discussing the behaviors of people with Personality Disorders with a focus on Narcissists & Sociopaths. We'll be joined by Trenton Hawley who has had a 6 year relationship & marriage with someone who he found out too little too late was a Sociopath. Trenton has since started a YouTube channel where he's uploaded tons of videos on his 6 year experience of the mental abuse he's encountered in his marriage. We, the hosts of It's Real Talk Radio too have had our own experiences with dating and dealing with Narcissists & Sociopaths as well and I'll be the first to tell you that it's an experience you want to avoid at all costs!

This is no reality show; this is the real deal! There's nothing fictional about these horrific experiences!! We're here tonight to shed light on this issue and to enlighten those of you who may be dating or married to someone you believe to have a Personality Disorder but can't quite put your finger on what the diagnosis is. Trust and believe you don't need a therapist to tell you how to recognize the signs of a Narcissist/Sociopath! Oh and you'd better hope you're not dating an actual psychopath because you, your kids and other family's lives may be in danger but that's a whole different discussion!

Dating a Sociopath can be hazardous to your mental health! It also can have financial repercussions! Sociopaths lack empathy and will destroy you from the inside out to achieve their agendas (whatever that may be). Narcissists are arrogant & self-centered. They also lack empathy and prey on others to achieve their goals. To find out more, tune-in tonight at 9PM ET. It's time to spread awareness and air out these scam artists!

Trenton's YouTube Channel: