This is a very controversial yet important discussion we're having tonight. For those of you who are very religious, you may possibly be offended so if you're someone who's sensitive to your religion and debates on these topics, you may want to skip this show because tonight we're discussing the religious folk who think they're better than others and look down on people who aren't a part of their congregation, their religion, or doing the things they're doing, living how they're living or doing the things they're doing. This HAS to be discussed because it has a significant impact on others especially non-religious people.

This is one of our boldest topics yet, but as always, you know we're going to give it to you straight. So are you or is someone you know an extremely religious person who feels it's a lifelong duty to recruit as many followers as you can and the ones who don't commit are doomed to an eternity of fire and brimstone? If your answer was yes, then you are definitely one of the primary focuses on tonight's show so if you aren't an overly sensitive religious person, you should tune in because we're here to give the perspective from the non-religious.

There's so much to discuss there just aren't enough characters to put in the description so just make sure you tune in because it's going down like never before on "It's Real Talk Radio" tonight!

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