Christian and Ian will never pay someone $3,000 for a podcast interview. 

We're back with a super jumbo sized episode in time to ring in All Hallow's Eve. Our first movie review is for the Tarantino-inspired crime thriller, BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE. Next, we continue our lovefest with Mike Flanagan and discuss his Netflix miniseries, THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. Then we dig into Laurie strode kicking ass in the latest major franchise reboot of HALLOWEEN. Finally, for our Universal Horror Monster Mash segment we check out the silent adaptation of Victor Hugo that inspired The Joker, THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. 

We'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, or any requests you have. You can contact us at: [email protected] and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd.