Christian and Ian are just trying to watch horror movies and now they are forced to make a horrible choice. 

We review M. Night Shyamalan's latest genre exercise, KNOCK AT THE CABIN, and compare the movie and book endings. In the middle of the show we ask our guest, Miriam Geiger, about her earliest horror memories as she tells her Horrigin Story. Finally, we continue our This is Gaslighting series and talk about the breakthrough found footage phenomenon, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. We also discuss day traders, Pennywise, and soul patches. 


10:13 Knock at the Cabin review

30:55 Knock at the Cabin (plus book) spoilers

57:11 Miriam's Horrigin Story

1:11:28 Paranormal Activity review

Find Miriam Geiger's work on her private practice website at    We'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, or any requests you have. You can contact us at: [email protected] and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd