Christian and Ian are not allowed to bring presents to kids' birthday parties anymore. 

We welcome the hosts of SCARING IS SHARING on this episode to review the latest horror hit and jump-scare-a-thon, SMILE. Then, Brandy Joe and Jermey share their Horrigin Stories as we hear about some of their earliest horror memories. Finally, we conclude our Planes, Trains, and Automobiles series by talking about the quintessential killer tire movie, RUBBER. We also discuss breaking the 4th wall, scary faces, and whether tires float or sink in a swimming pool. 

Be sure to check out @ScaringIsSharing on Instagram and listen to their show wherever you get your podcasts. 

We'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, or any requests you have. You can contact us at: [email protected] and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd.