Today’s guest is Wilson Lawrence. Wilson is a Performance, Personal Development and English Communications Coach focusing on Self and Time Management. He studied at the South West London College For Higher Business Studies and is based in Germany.

I first heard Wilson on the Operation Self Reset podcast series with Jacob Nawrocki, and I was so intrigued with their conversation about The Morning Routine I connected with Wilson on social media so I could ask more questions.

This has lead to us talking via Skype on a regular bases and since then we’ve become good friends, which is why we’re able to have a very open and honest conversation, as well as a few laughs, about The Morning Routine and much more.

Topics covered in this episode:

Why watching television can influence your mood and emotions throughout the day. Start your day in silence: Most people wake up and check their social media accounts and immediately put their brains into reactive mode and become part of someone else’s agenda. Developing affirmations and writing them down. Do it the right way and you will feel and create the emotions in the mind. Asking focusing question (The One Thing) – What is the one thing that I can do right now, such by doing it, it will make everything else easier or unnecessary? The brain functions best first thing in the morning and after having recovery breaks during the day. This is why you must do they most important work first and not waste your mental energy checking emails. (Prefrontal Cortex) Distractions will occur if you don’t do the most important things first. When people say they’ve had a stressful day, what they’re really saying is they’ve had a busy day. Busy does not mean productive and quantity does not equal quality. Pareto Principle: The 80:20 Rule. If you delay important tasks (20%), distractions (80%) will prevent you from getting them down. To Do Lists: Focus on the most important task first, then worry about the rest if they’re still necessary. Don’t do the most fun task first (distraction). When you add value, value will come back to you, and in order to give value you must first be more interested than interesting and focus on quality over quantity. No such thing as weaknesses, they’re areas of opportunity and when you combine this with your focusing question it can be very powerful. Social Media winners and losers. When you analyse your own social media posts what are you saying about yourself? Having an opinion is good, as long as you can back it up with your own reasoning, or evidence. The Bandwagon Effect: When everyone joins a cause or movement because it’s become fashionable and popular to do so. People fear by not jumping onboard they may get left behind. This applies to how some people market their business. Show gratitude to those that have helped you succeed. The Morning Routine: It’s an investment not a chore.

Wilson Lawrence can be contacted socially via LinkedIn, Xing, FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM. 

Reference Books:

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod The One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan

My website: