Our Summer of Technical Difficulties continues with a look at The 1st Annual Summer Blockbuster Review! Mike and the Bots had their turn talking about the biggest movies of 1997, so why not Adam and Beth?

Our Summer of Technical Difficulties continues with a look at The 1st Annual
Summer Blockbuster Review! Mike and the Bots had their turn talking about
the biggest movies of 1997, so why not Adam and Beth? They reminisce about The
Fifth Element, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Men in Black, Contact, Batman &
Robin, and more!

Show Notes.

The 1st Annual Summer Blockbuster
the MST3K Wiki.

Our look at the MST3K Little Gold Statue Preview

The Fifth Element [trailer].

The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park stop motion

Men in Black [trailer].

Wild Wild West [trailer].

Contact [trailer].

Batman & Robin [trailer].

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