Invasion of the Neptune Men finds Chris and Charlotte talking about Prince of Space, traditional Japanese theatre, Braille, pickles, and crackers.

Invasion of the Neptune Men finds Chris and Charlotte talking about Prince
of Space, traditional Japanese theatre, Braille, pickles, and crackers.

Show Notes.

Invasion of the Neptune Men: IMDb.
Watch at the

Pick up a copy of The Mads’ A Night of Shorts X if you missed it.

Our episodes on Prince of Space
and Agent for H.A.R.M. (with the
Bobo courtroom sketch).

Some videos to introduce you to
noh and
kabuki. (The noh video also
does the Abbott and Costello joke, but doesn’t stretch it out as long.)

Sing, Dance, Act: Kabuki featuring Toma

The performance of Harogomo that Chris

And the kabuki highlights that Chris

Also check out A History of Japanese Theatre, an
excellent overview.

Prokofiev: Dance of the

The Battle on the Ice from
Alexander Nevsky.

Rachel Carson: Silent Spring.

Our episode on The Deadly Mantis.

The history of Braille.

How to read or write Braille.

Accessible Canadian money.

A video featuring some Braille writing/typing tools, new and
, and another video on the
device Charlotte was describing

Chris learned pickling from Linda Ziedrich: The Joy of

Australian In A Biskit.

More Australian In A Biskit.

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