Happy Labour Day! That famous dodecalabourer, Hercules, asks Chris and Charlotte to talk about mythmashes, golden fleece, Hercules failing to perform, old ads, and patooties.


Hercules: IMDB. MST3K Wiki. Trailer. Watch it on YouTube.

Our other Hercules episodes: Hercules Against the Moon Men. Hercules Unchained. The Loves of Hercules. Hercules and the Captive Women.

Hercules with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

The Labours of Hercules and the Argonauts.


Apollonius of Rhodes: Argonautica.

Oscar Meyer ads and the story behind the theme.

Dodge Ram ads.

Jenny Craig.



Pace Picante ads. New Jersey?


Dave Clark Five: I Like It Like That. (But Chris Kenner had a hit with it first.)

Taste it all.

Hercules in the Haunted World.

Omen III: The Final Conflict.

Jim Dine.

Joan Embery on the Tonight Show.

Dennis Day: An Irishman Will Steal Your Heart Away.

Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds: Don’t Pull Your Love Out and Fallin’ in Love.

All about hotdish.

Watch The Match Game on YouTube.

The Real Match Game Story: Behind the Blank.

A particular episode of Match Game 75.

Elvis Presley: Kentucky Rain.

Eddie Rabbit: I Love a Rainy Night and Two Dollars in the Jukebox.

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