Gamuary continues as Adam and Chris watch the best Gamera episode, season 3’s take on Gamera vs. Guiron! They get to talk about the Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, The Wooster Group, Mark Russell, and Michael Feinstein.

Gamuary continues as Adam and Chris watch the best Gamera episode, season 3’s
take on Gamera vs. Guiron! They get to talk about the Richard Burton,
Elizabeth Taylor, The Wooster Group, Mark Russell, and Michael Feinstein.

Show Notes.

Gamera vs. Guiron: IMDB. MST3K

Adam was trying to recall reading Samaris twenty
years ago, and may have gotten some details wrong.

Adam’s other podcast, A Part Of Our Scare-itage.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Chris talked about Boys in the Band on
another podcast.

1984 [trailer].

Cleopatra [trailer].

Exorcist II: The Heretic

The Exorcist II has a small role for Dana
, who is best known for being one
of the Diff’rent Strokes kids, but was in an episode of The Facts of Life,
because those shows are in the same universe.

Our episode on Rocketship X-M.

Arnold’s Gourmet Kitchen
presents: Woks.

John Lennon: Rock ‘N’

The Wooster Group.

That Geraldo episode.

That scene from UHF.

Death Wish IV: The Crackdown

Mark Russell’s final show.

A 2021 concert from Michael

The General Cinemas trailer we
referenced in our episode on Teenagers from Outer


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