Previous Episode: Journalism and Environment
Next Episode: Bird Geek Show!

  Listen Here! (Skip through first part of audio to get to beginning of show…) NOTE: In this episode, we erroneously reported that Bill McKibben left…this is not true! It was an April Fool’s joke that Laura mistook for truth. Please accept our HUGE apology for a news mistake of this magnitude! “It’s Hot […]


Listen Here! (Skip through first part of audio to get to beginning of show…)

NOTE: In this episode, we erroneously reported that Bill McKibben left…this is not true! It was an April Fool’s joke that Laura mistook for truth. Please accept our HUGE apology for a news mistake of this magnitude!

“It’s Hot in Here Radio” charts new territory for the program… Today we ask: what does scripture tell us about environmental stewardship? What are the messages fueling faith-based approaches to environmentalism? Dr. Rolf Bouma joins us in the studio to discuss the intersection of environmental ethics and religion.

Dr. Rolf Bouma is the Pastor for Academic Ministries at the Campus Chapel and directs the Center for Faith & Scholarship, a Christian study center at the University of Michigan.  He received his Ph.D. from Boston University in the field of Systematic Theology. In addition to thesis work on biotechnology and a theology of nature, he also has been extensively involved in science and religion dialogue.  Rolf teaches environmental ethics and environmental values/public policy as part of the University of Michigan’s Program in the Environment. He has taught theology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Rolf also holds M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Calvin Theological Seminary and has served congregations in Grand Rapids (Eastern Avenue CRC) and Boston (Hope CRC, Framingham, MA). He also obtained a J.D. degree from the University of Michigan Law School (1982).