Previous Episode: What Up Turds? Episode #73
Next Episode: Stoker Jing, Episode #75

OH MY GOD CM PUNK IS SUCH A JERK! MAN DO WE HATE HIM! HE CHANGED WRESTLING FOR THE GOOD AND COLLISION IS THE ONLY GOOD WRESTLING SHOW OUT THERE, WE OWE HIM EVERYTHING! LARRY FOR PRESIDENT 2K24! This episode has none of it, we recorded it last Thursday, really who gives a shit. Instead Bill & Doug go over such important things such as: Ernest Miller, Indian food, Dark Side of The Ring: Party Marty, Jack Moody, upcoming shows for Duke City Championship Wrestling, Core Professional Wrestling, DIVE Pro Wrestling, Flashback Pro Wrestling, Colorado Springs Wrestling, One Revolution Wrestling, WrestleRave, Devotion Championship Wrestling, and Sanchez & Alarcon, docking, Sami Zayn being good at wrestling, how to watch Jeepers Creepers, Doug’s flooring update, Ladybugs and so much more for FREE

Songs Used In the Podcast:

“Back to School (Mini Maggot)” by Deftones on White Pony

“Where Was I” by Ricky Van Shelton on A Bridge I Didn’t Burn

“Nebraska” by Bruce Springsteen on Nebraska

“Last Caress” by The Misfits on The Misfits Box Set

“Age of Consent” by New Order on Power, Corruption, and Lies


Where To Find Everything Else:

Website Page For The Podcast