Apologies in advance for being so late. We purchased an AI editing program, to make life easier and it still has some bugs to work out, but at least it beats paying someone to do it! What an age we live in! :) This week the boys talk about: Forbidden Door, An AEW Colorado Springs collaboration, Lil’ Kazu, the missing tapes from the last episode about LLL, Justin Roberts, Mark Jackson, meeting Brainbuster, New Life Church, pretty angel ladies, B Show advice, gimmicking tables, PAC, Wheeler/Chuck, all of Doug’s best friends, politics in youth sports, MJF/Cole, PAC, Western Fringe Podcast, upcoming shows for RMP, Devotion, Battleground, CSW, DIVE, WrestleRave & Hit the Ropes and so much more! No wonder the AI had so many problems determining what to cut, add in, reconfigure, mix! Hey, at least it gives me more time to look at my phone!

Songs Used In The Podcast:

“Paranoid Android” by Radiohead on OK Computer

“Robot Rock” by Daft Punk on Human After All

“Colorado Springs” composed by David Julyan on “The Prestige: Original Score”

“Midnight, The Stars and You” by Al Bowlly, Ray Noble & His Orchestra on The Shining Motion Picture Soundtrack

Where To Find Everything Else:

Website Page For The Podcast