Previous Episode: Episode 55 - Lynne Lyman

One of my favorite combinations within the multi-verse is to take visionary work and combine it with the urban realities that make up real life for most people. It's a necessary exercise to, now and then, step away from the elevated way nature of visionary experience and come back to the inclusionary bond that is all life. Tony Moss stops by the kitchen table to beautifully articulate how his 22 years of entheogenic work has led to profound realizations on the systemic problems of our culture and how to address them with grace. He's not coming to the table with dogmatic firm answers but rather with wonderfully poetic points of view that will open your heart up to asking the right questions. Tony is a wonderful ambassador for the shamanic arts, musicians and entheogen advocates.

INTRO RANT - The Landscape of Being on Team Human


"I am a artist, recording artist, and event producer influenced by 20 years of entheogenic study. My work is a synthesis of my interests in art, spirituality, and science, with passionate emphasis & interest in the evolution of human consciousness and greater under-standing and reverance for nature.

 I've been called a mystic and a rationalist.

 I marvel at the very presence of our being. I see "God" in evolution. I see God in everything."


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