Chris and Zach hang out in a very thought provoking, heart centered common ground that explored many topics. Chris shares his insights into modern spirituality, a little bit about his story, thoughts on his new book "Everything Mind" and an all around great insight into how to apply spirituality to ones life without dogma or labels.

Rants include: Not very much!! Just a thought on how and where the Trump phenomena all began!

Chris Grosso is a public speaker, writer, spiritual director of Tovio by Advocacy Unlimited, teacher with the Worldwide Insight Organization, and author of Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration of Spirituality (Beyond Words/Simon & Schuster) and Everything Mind: What I’ve Learned About Hard Knocks, Spiritual Awakening and the Mind-Blowing Truth of it All (Sounds True). He writes for ORIGIN MagazineHuffington Post, and Mantra Yoga + Health Magazine, and has spoken and performed at Wanderlust Festival, Celebrate Your Life, Yoga Journal Conference, Sedona World Wisdom Days, Kripalu, and more.

Chris is passionate about his work with people who are in the process of healing or struggling with addictions of all kinds. He speaks and leads groups in detoxes, yoga studios, rehabs, youth centers, 12-step meetings, hospitals, conferences, and festivals worldwide. He is a member of the advisory board for Drugs over Dinnerand hosts The Indie Spiritualist Podcast on The Mindpod Network.


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