Previous Episode: 14: Remus/Sirius

Photographer Riley is a talented artist with an incredible eye and a passion for creativity. She's also quite passionate about a certain sky pirate and his scrappy orphan boyfriend. This is Balvaan, the ship name for rarepair Balthier and Vaan, two characters from Final Fantasy XII. Riley has a rich history with the Final Fantasy franchise, but was drawn specifically to Final Fantasy XII. This game was a notable departure from other Final Fantasy games, with a unique new battle system and the complex and intriguing world of weapon licensing.

We talk about the perks of a small fandom, the unique magic of getting to talk about fandom out loud with your actual voice, and the difference between being IN fandom and being a fan. Also, I finally learn the true meaning of hole. This episode goes out to all the scrappy underdogs who need to put their money where their mouths are, but don't have any money.

riley's twitter: @rabanasty

riley's tumblr: @skystones

riley's ao3: @ridorana

allison's twitter: @allyspock

the show's twitter: @itsallfandom

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