Welcome to 2 SNACKS 2IN' SNACKS! Evan and Saker recorded a couple'a Snacktime episodes that were paywalled for a really long time, but GUESS WHAT?! HERE THEY ARE!

In this episode: TRACKS ONE AND TWO, 7-8-9 and THE NINJAS!

Boy, I really goofed up when I thought I had uploaded these previously in the timeline, huh? Now it's just goddamn Memento in here, shit's thrown against the wall at random. WHOOPS, SORRY! ANYWAY, double dose, enjoy it! See you next month for a review of the rest of Snacktime!

Love you!

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1593559714014720

Twitter: @beendonepod

Discord: http://www.projectderailed.com/discord

Thanks to Project Derailed for hosting us!