I had a copy of this manga before back in college. I was doing my foundation art & design course. In the art studio, there were piles of magazines, books you can use for mixed media. Among the pile were two June yaoi manga I found. One of them was this manga. I presumed the manga was either lost or abandoned. So I took it and keep it. The book was in poor condition, it didn’t have a jacket. I read it often as it was a few mangas I had at the time. I didn’t have much money to spend on manga. so my manga collection was very limited.  

After I graduated from university. I decided to give it away to charity. I hardly read it. Recently I saw it for sale on eBay. I thought to myself I wanted to read it again. I haven’t read it properly as a teen so I thought I read it fresh as an adult, with a fresh perspective. So the copy I bought is in good condition and I got it for a decent price online. 

The story is average, and confusing in some part. The whole story is just two rivals becoming lovers. The dialogue is moodily and overuses flowery language.   The sub-characters are average, they have no significance nor anything interesting about them. I felt it missing something. It didn’t feel gritty like most vampire genres I am used to.