This doujishi was gifted to me by the irodori team. I have wanted to review some Irodori Aqua Tiltes. The Aqua Lable are the SFW tiles, Suitable for all ages. 

CHRISTMAS IRODORI SAKURA SALE! 18th December to 7th January

Available to buy at Irodori Sakura and Irodori Aqua: 

Irodori Aqua is now Available on Amazon Kindle 

Recently Irodori Sakura has been experiencing issues with Twitter (X). so I highly encourage you to sign up to their Newsletters for new releases, updates, Interviews and other topics. Also, make sure to follow this podcast so you can catch all of the episodes. I am also affiliated with Irodori Sakura and have an Affiliate Link, every successful purchase on Irodori website via the affiliated Link, It’s A Yaoi Recipe receive 10% in sale commission. 

This is a beautiful story about true connection and intimacy. It is very well written and beautifully drawn. 

Muria has fallen in love with Mine and she wanted to be intimate with him but Mine explained he is Asexual and has no desire for sexual intimacy. However, Mine does truly love Muria and feels the bond and chemistry toward Murai.